
What COVID-19 Vaccine Effects to Expect: Based on Your Age, Gender, and Dose

Expect to see evidence of your immune system waking up, paying attention, and revealing itself in common and various ways — fatigue, body aches, fever and chills, for example. These things inform you that your system is actively alerting it’s defenses. Vaccines are designed to alert the immune system and often result in noticeable (and […]

What is Integrative Medicine?

What is Integrative Medicine?
And how does integrative medicine differ from all those other types — complementary, alternative, conventional, and functional medicine?

Integrative medicine is a system of medical care that uses the best, evidence-based therapies available. It treats the whole person and is centered on the patient’s needs, and it utilizes the connection between mind, body, […]

Natural Thirst: The Instinct You Didn’t Know You Lost

Don’t get thirsty? Don’t like water…or forget to drink it? Sick of having to visit the bathroom constantly when you do try to drink more water? If you answered yes to any of those questions, please read this article. You are not alone, but you are at risk. And fixing it is easier than you think.

I […]

What’s in a Name?

Patient. Client. Customer. Which term do you prefer?

Consider a hypothetical situation:  You have a swollen and painful ankle that has been ailing you, and you decide to visit your doctor to receive a diagnosis and treatment. On the day of your visit, you (as a patient) receive a diagnosis, health care services, and instructions on self care for […]

By |March 13th, 2016|Care|