Infectious Disease

CDC COVID-19 Guidelines 12/27/21

CDC COVID-19 Guidelines 12/27/21
Stay Calm and …

If one thing is constant during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is change. Read on for the latest CDC guidance if you are exposed to COVID-19 or test positive:
The isolation guidelines are for people who have tested positive (are infected).
These guidelines are the same for people who are unvaccinated, partly […]

What COVID-19 Vaccine Effects to Expect: Based on Your Age, Gender, and Dose

Expect to see evidence of your immune system waking up, paying attention, and revealing itself in common and various ways — fatigue, body aches, fever and chills, for example. These things inform you that your system is actively alerting it’s defenses. Vaccines are designed to alert the immune system and often result in noticeable (and […]

Allergies or COVID-19?

Is it Allergies or COVID-19?
Differentiate the Symptoms.
If it looks like COVID-19, quarantine, get tested, and inform your PCP.
If it is allergies, call us now for your treatment plan to defeat them this year!


#publichealth  #infectiousdisease  #integrativemedicine





Good News! Brighter Days for Us = Darker Days for SARS-CoV-2

Good News! Brighter Days for Us = Darker Days for SARS-CoV-2

SARS-CoV-2 and other RNA viruses do not do well with UV exposure, and that’s good news for us in the Northeastern US. As our days get brighter, SARS-CoV-2 will become less prevalent. So maintain all of your precautions — wear your masks, wash your hands, and […]

Been Vaccinated and Still Contracted COVID-19? Surprise: Good News for You, and Others!

Good news! Recent research reveals that those who have received the COVID-19 vaccine who later tested positive for COVID-19 are likely to be protected against severe illness … AND may be less contagious.

The amounts of virus on swab samples from the nose and throat were reduced four-fold for infections occurring at least 12 days after […]

Promising and Accurate New Rapid Test to Detect Coronavirus Antibodies

February 09, 2021

An international research team involving the universities of Paraná (Brazil) and Tübingen (Germany) has developed a rapid test that can reliably identify COVID-19 antibodies in the blood within minutes. As the researchers report in the journal ACS Sensors, the new process is based on a simple measuring principle making it easy to carry out […]

CDC Study Finds Wearing Two Masks Better for Protecting Against COVID-19

CDC study finds two masks are better than one vs. COVID-19
A government study released on Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2021, finds that wearing two masks can better than one, in protecting against coronavirus infection.

U.S. government researchers found that two masks are better than one in slowing coronavirus spread, but health officials stopped short of recommending that […]

SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection Common in Young Adults

Why the Research Is Interesting: With the onset of mass SARS-CoV-2 vaccination programs and the increasing proportion of previously infected individuals, the risk of reinfection after natural infection is an important question for modeling the pandemic, estimating herd immunity, and guiding vaccination strategies. And since young adults, of whom a high percentage are asymptomatically infected and […]

Holy Viral Genetic Mutation, Batman!! A Guide to the Emerging SARS-CoV-2 Variants

Holy Viral Genetic Mutation, Batman!! A Guide to the Emerging SARS-CoV-2 Variants
SARS-CoV-2 is evolving and adapting, getting “smarter” with every person-to-person transmission. As society at large continues to flout infectious disease management guidelines, we make it easier for the virus to evolve and develop new variants. Eventually we will see some variants emerge with resistance to our […]

Hang On. Have Hope.

Hang On. Have Hope.
Dr. L. Cindy Theroux-Jette, PhD, OT/L, LAc at Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine Associates of Nashua, PLLC is grateful to have recently received the first of two Moderna COVID-19 vaccines after being identified as a high-risk health care worker in Phase 1A of the NH DHHS vaccination schedule. She considered adding her own […]

NH DHHS COVID-19 Quarantine Guidance Update 12-03-2020

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak, Update # 27

Quarantine Guidance Update
Weekly Partner Call Changes

Quarantine Guidance Update


Distributed by the NH Health Alert Network

December 3, 2020 Time 1430 (2:30 PM EDT)
NH-HAN 20201203

Key Points and Recommendations:

• NH Division of Public Health Services (DPHS) is decreasing the required quarantine period for people potentially exposed […]