
The Exercise Pill

The snow is melting today, for sure! Time is of the essence. Time to jot down a quick bit of motivation, and then off to do some snowshoeing before the sun sets. My exercise pill of choice is anything in the outdoors with fresh air and the beauty of nature!

Exercise as Medicine: How exactly does […]

Natural Thirst: The Instinct You Didn’t Know You Lost

Don’t get thirsty? Don’t like water…or forget to drink it? Sick of having to visit the bathroom constantly when you do try to drink more water? If you answered yes to any of those questions, please read this article. You are not alone, but you are at risk. And fixing it is easier than you think.

I […]

Hepatitis A is on the Rise. Learn Your ABC’s Now.

Protect your liver. You’re going to need it well into your later years.

Hepatitis A is always out there, but it is making itself known – right here and right now – in our neighborhood. NH DHHS recently identified one case here in Nashua, and five others have been identified within Hillsborough County. So now is […]

Local Mindfulness Classes in Nashua! Fall 2018

Interested in learning how #mindfulness practice can help with stress, anxiety, pain, or improving your health? Attend a quick class, or a longer series of classes:

“Mind-Body Healing”, a 2-hour, one-day course, will be offered by St. Joseph Hospital in Nashua on Wednesday 11-14-18 from 4:00 – 6:00 PM (register here:

“Mindfulness Fundamentals Stress Reduction”, a […]

This Is Why You Always Get Sick After You’ve Been Stressed Out

Why you always get sick after a period of stress…and what you can do to prevent it in the future.